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Our dynamic duo, Fred and Wilma, are back for their second season!!!


Wilma - Female

27Feb24:  Wilma is a banded female, black over blue 64/K.  Hatched in 2021 at the Detroit Zoo.  She was unnamed, so we had a Facebook contest to name her in 2023 when she arrived.

  • This female comes from "Royalty". Her great grandparents are none other than Mariah and Kaver of Rochester (NY).  They raised a record of 43 falcons from 2002 to 2008!!!

  • Her grandmother Linn, mother of Velcro, hatched in 2007 and was banded black/green 91/V.

  • Wilma's mother, Velcro (black S/64), hatched at the Yellow Pages nest site in Scarborough, ON in 2016




Fred - Male

27Feb24:  Fred is an unbanded male that's back for his second season!  He was unnamed, so we had a Facebook contest to name him in 2023 when he arrived.









Wilma in Flight
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)


Banding day in 2023
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)

2024 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Fred and Wilma


First egg was laid on March 21, 2024

Second egg was laid ~ March 24, 2024

Third egg was laid on March 26, 2024

Fourth egg was laid on March 28, 2024


First hatch was on April 30, 2024

Second hatch was on May 1, 2024

The last two eggs did not hatch.  They were collected on 5/30 and the DNR determined they were not fertilized.


The chicks were banded at GM's Cadillac Tower on May 30, 2024:



Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/80

USFW Band:  1156-25092

Sex:  Male



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 43/AE

USFW Band:  2447-06032

Sex:  Female



Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/82


Sex:  Male

Note:  Harvey was rehomed to the Warren nest on banding day, due to being hatched at a dangerous site within Detroit Metro Airport.














2023 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Fred and Wilma


First egg was laid on March 29, 2023

Second egg was laid on March 31, 2023

Third egg was laid ~ April 2, 2023

Fourth egg was laid on April 5, 2023


First hatch was on May 8, 2023

Second hatch was on May 10, 2023


The chicks were banded at GM's Cadillac Tower on June 5, 2023:



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 21/AE

USFW Band:  1947-33122

Sex:  Female



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 22/AE

USFW Band:  1947-33123

Sex:  Female








Pebbles prior to banding (21/AE)
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)

Look at this beauty!  This is Roxy on banding day
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)

Roxy at banding.jpg

Here is Chip on banding day
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)


All three chicks huddle together after banding
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)


Betty giving the MDNR the "look" (22/AE)
(Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke)

Fred & Wilma

Siri & General Brock

2022 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Siri and General Brock (both confirmed via bands)


First egg was laid on March 24, 2022.

Second egg was laid on March 26, 2022.

Third egg was laid on March 28, 2022.

Fourth egg was laid on March 31, 2022.


Siri seemed to disappear on 4/13/22 after chasing after an intruder. She hasn't been seen since. Brock tried to incubate the eggs for several days, but finally gave up on Monday the 18th.  The DNR came to retrieve the unviable eggs on 4/21/22.  It was a couple days later when Discovery flew into our lives. 

















2021 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Siri and General Brock (both confirmed via bands)


First egg was laid on March 21, 2021.

Second egg was laid on March 24, 2021.

Third egg was laid on March 26, 2021.

Fourth egg was laid on March 28, 2021.


First and second hatches were both on April 30, 2021.

The third hatch was on May 1, 2021.

The fourth hatch was on May 2, 2021.


The chicks were banded at GM's Cadillac Tower on May 20, 2021:



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 64/C

USFW Band:  1156-267853

Sex:  Male



Color Band:  Black over Blue: C/63

USFW Band:  1156-26786

Sex:  Male



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 58/K

USFW Band:  1947-33194

Sex:  Female



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 59/K

USFW Band:  1947-33195

Sex:  Female

Deceased: June 15. 2021 at the Cadillac Tower from unknown causes

Siri Brock and 4 eggs.jpg

2022 - Siri, Brock and their 4 eggs. Unfortunately, Siri disappeared, leaving the eggs unviable.

Siri - Female

Siri came to the nest in September of 2020.  She disappeared during the nesting season of 2022.


Color band: black/red 74/X

Hatched in 2019 in Statler City, Buffalo. 




General Brock - Male

General Brock is the second male to nest in the Warren nest, coming on board in 2015, after Magellan.


Color band: black 22/V

Hatched in 2012 

Banded at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor on May 18, 2012

Fish and Wildlife band: TBD



May 2, 2021, the entire family: Siri, General Brock, and four chicks!

Lyriq and Astra.png

2021 - Our two females, Lyriq and Astra

Isabella & General Brock

2020 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock (both confirmed via bands)


First egg was laid on March 15, 2020.

Second egg was laid on March 17, 2020.

Third egg was laid on March 19, 2020.

Fourth egg was laid on March 21, 2020.


First hatch was on Earth Day, April 22, 2020!

Second hatch was on April 23, 2020.

Third hatch was on April 24, 2020.

Fourth egg was accidentally pulled out of the scrape on the 23rd and did not hatch.


The chicks were not able to be banded this year due to COVID-19. We believe there are two females and one male.  Unofficial names are as follows:



Sex:  Male

Fledging date:  May 31, 2020.  Bolt ended up on the ground on June 1st and was taken up to the roof and re-released.



Sex:  Female

Fledging date:  June 6, 2020.  She ended up on the ground once but made it back up top.



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 54/K

Sex:  Female

Fledging date:  June 6, 2020.  She probably followed her sister but ended up on the ground and was not interested in flying at all.  She was taken down to Dave Hogan's "flight school" for rehabilitation and then will be re-released on the roof. Nova was banded and re-released successfully on June 19, 2020.



2019 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock (both confirmed via bands)


First egg was laid on March 21, 2019.

Second egg was laid on March 23, 2019. 

Third egg was laid on March 25, 2019.

Fourth egg was laid on March 27, 2019.


First hatch was April 28, 2019.

Second and third hatch were on April 29, 2019.


Chicks were banded at GM VEC East on May 20, 2019:



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 47/K

USFW Band:  1947-33-183

Sex:  Female

- EVie fledged and then completely disappeared.  We were never able to locate her after that. 



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 54/C

USFW Band:  1156-26-776

Sex:  Male

Deceased: July, 2019

- Zora was reported to have been hit by a truck on Van Dyke, but we never could locate him.  Weeks after this report, he was anonymously dropped off to Dave Hogan, our falcon rehabilitator.  He was very damaged, unable to fly, and couldn't be placed in any educational programs.  He had to be euthanized in July of 2019.


****Please note: Harboring an endangered species is ILLEGAL.  If you find an injured Peregrine Falcon, you MUST surrender it to the MDNR or to a licensed rehabilitator within 24 hours!



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 48/K

USFW Band:  1947-33-184

Sex:  Female

- Blaze was grounded and taken to rehab.  When she returned to the nest, Isabella rejected her.  She was taken to the DTE Power Plant in Monroe where another female peregrine adopted her.

- She was captured and released at Holiday Beach on 9/27/2019.



2018 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock (both confirmed via bands)


Produced 4 eggs, first on March 22 and the last one laid on March 30, 2018

All four eggs hatched between April 30th and May 2nd, 2018.  Chicks were banded at GM VEC East on May 23, 2018:



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 49/C

USFW Band:  1156-26-796

Sex:  Male



Color Band:  Black over Blue: 48/C

USFW Band:  1156-26-771

Sex:  Male

- Regal was captured by Chris Balkwill at Windsor Airport and released near McGregor on October 1/2018.

- Regal was identified to be nesting at Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan in 2020.  He is paired with an unnamed female (either Unity II or Aura) that was hatched in 2012 out of the University of Toledo.  They hatched three chicks in 2020.



Color Band:  Black over Red: C/36

USFW Band: 1947-27-599

Sex:  Female



Color Band:  Black over Red: C/35

USFW Band: 1947-27-600

Sex:  Female


2017 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock


Produced 4 eggs, unsure of events, but no chicks remained as of 5/9/2017.



2016 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock


Produced 4 eggs, one hatched and was banded at GM's VEC East in Warren, MI on 6/9/2016



Color Band:  Black over red: 87/U

Sex:  Female

Hatched May 19, 2016


2015 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and General Brock


Produced 4 eggs, 3 hatched and were banded at the "new" GM Building in Warren, MI on May 26, 2015:



Color Band:  Black over red: 85/E

Sex:  Female

Hatched approximately May 3, 2015



Color Band:  Black over red: 16/P

Sex:  Male

683 grams

Hatched approximately May 3, 2015



Color Band:  Black over red: 22/P

Sex:  Male

685 grams

Hatched approximately May 3, 2015


Isabella - Female

Isabella was the first female to nest in the Warren nest since 2013.


Fish and Wildlife band: 1907-02817 

Color band: black/red 74/X

Hatched in 2011

Banded at the Port Sheldon JH Power Plant (now Consumers Energy Campbell)

Ottawa County, MI on 05/23/11.


As of September, 2020, Isabella hadn't been seen for several weeks.  


General Brock - Male

General Brock is the second male to nest in the Warren nest, coming on board in 2015, after Magellan.


Color band: black 22/V

Hatched in 2012 

Banded at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor on May 18, 2012

Fish and Wildlife band: TBD

Isabella in flight
Photo courtesy of Mark Thorndyke


March 19, 2020 - a view into the nest box with three eggs.  Will she lay one more? (Yep!!)

Four eggs.png

A view into the nest box showing the four 2019 eggs.


Kim Harvey trying to coax Vette into a crate for rehab when she fledged before she was ready.

Sierra from 2018 hatch

2014 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and Magellan

Magellan (Deceased:  September 2, 2014)


Produced 4 eggs, 3 hatched and were all banded at the former Campbell Ewald Building in Warren, MI on June 6, 2014:



Fish and Wildlife band: TBD 

Color band: black/red 70/U

Sex: Female

Hatched in 2014



Fish and Wildlife band: TBD 

Color band: black/red 69/U

Sex: Female

Hatched in 2014



Fish and Wildlife band: TBD 

Color band: black/red E/04

Sex: Male

Hatched in 2014

Deceased:  November, 2015 at Windsor, Ontario Airport


2013 Nesting Season:

Mating Pair:  Isabella and Magellan


Produced 3 eggs, 2 hatched, only one banded at the former Campbell Ewald Building in Warren, MI on June 5, 2013:



Fish and Wildlife band:

Color band: black/red 98/W

Sex: female

Hatched: May 14, 2013 

Banded at the (former) Campbell Ewald Building

Deceased:  July 27, 2013


Unnamed Chick

Never banded

Sex:  Unknown

Hatched: May 15, 2013

Deceased: May 24, 2013

Isabella - Female

Isabella was the first female to nest in the Warren nest since 2013.


Fish and Wildlife band: 1907-02817 

Color band: black/red 74/X

Hatched in 2011

Banded at the Port Sheldon JH Power Plant (now Consumers Energy Campbell)

Ottawa County, MI on 05/23/11.


As of September, 2020, Isabella hadn't been seen for several weeks.  




Magellan was our first male falcon that helped produce our first batch of chicks!!!


Fish and Wildlife band: 1126006700 

Color band: black/red *W/*A (meaning sideways W over sideways A)

Name: Magellan 

Sex: male

Hatched: 2011 

Banded at the I-90 Bridge in Cleveland, OH on 05/24/11

Deceased:  September 2, 2014


With permission from the DNR, Magellan lives on in a diorama inside the Cadillac Tower.

Isabella & Magellan

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